Friday 21 March 2008

Infidelity & the WWW PART 2

I thought i would make a post about my personal experiences of infidelity, and it just so happens they all revolve around the Internet, so i created a part 2.
My parents divorced due to an affair that begun via the Internet. I could type out the history of family but i think the post i made on Laura's blog sums up everything i wish to say:

"My parents also separated due to infidelity and it had a similar effect on me, in that i decided i would never do that to somebody.I sometimes wonder why it doesn't affect others in the same way. I know of people whose parents separated in similar circumstances to mine, but now choose to be unfaithful in their relationships. One of whom has even said, "you do as you see" and, "i didn't know any different in my house whilst growing up."- surely if you witness first hand the pain infidelity causes, it makes you think twice about inflicting that pain on a partner?It crossed my mind it may be to do with the sex of the parent that cheats, for example in my experience it was my mother, and so maybe it was easier for me to relate to and see a future image of myself that i never wished to fulfill. Perhaps i will do post on this. And as for the girls that found your bad boy friends reputation touched on it, they think they can change him. Women are extremely competitive, and the opportunity to succeed i.e change a bad boy into a good man, where other women have failed, is a challenge.We all want to be the one that was worth changing for."

N.B. If anybody reads my blog do you think you could help me with something, are we supposed to leave our comments on other peoples, or post them in our own blogs...or both? Just I've noticed people doing both and I was wondering how our comments will be tracked if we just leave them on others pages. Thank you xX

My experiences of the Internet in terms of social networking...
I hate all social networking sites, mostly due to the desperation of many people on them, too many trying to portray a 'sexy' image with slutty pictures and provocative answers to silly questions. Therefore I don't have any profiles on them, but in the occasional visits i made into chat rooms whilst in school, i really did find that 99% of the people that messaged me had sexual intentions/ motivations. I actually cannot remember anybody that wanted to just chat with me, if you catch my drift. I think at the time i was a little young to realise just how dangerous a place the Internet can be.

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