Thursday 10 April 2008


I have made quite a few comments, some just random and not really worth posting but others that i will track down later.


"a children's play area where he was masturbating? maybe you should report that. Say he was just out walking (in shorts?!) and suddenly felt the need for a ...release, surely he would think 'hmm I'm in a field with children playing near by, i know how this could look wrong' and then move along to the next field. Sounds extremely dodgy. That's disgusting, I would be scarred for life had i witnessed that."
19 March 2008 20:21

Ghost-Riders ( comment RE;

"I believe I am the guy sitting next to you at the lecture and I have to say that I was very shocked by you as well. Imagine that ha? As I told you during the lecture and as you saw by your self, the world we live in it is not like you so innocently imagined it to be. The truth is that, if you take for example all living beings in the animal kingdom except for a couple, there isn’t a species that is monogamist. In fact, is because they mess around they have gain immunity to viruses; they involved and can survive and evolved like us through the centuries (this is scientifically proven by the way). Do you imagine what would happen if our few ancestors after the Ice Age will think, “Oh don’t have sex with different people because it’s immoral, cruel and insensitive…”? More likely we wouldn’t be here arguing. In contrast, I feel that sex is a good thing and by going in and out through erotic relationships and other such experiences, we eventually gain that experience, knowledge and awareness we need when the right person comes along; we are ready to identify, distinguish and embraced him/her into our very souls. You see, even I gave the impression that I am a bad person and most likely I am, I am also very romantic and sensitive. I believe that, somewhere out there, there is a better half for all of us but until we find it, unfortunately we will mistreat and be mistreated in some way."
09 April 2008 18:51

My response;

"I was looking through other students blogs and saw my name haha.

Thank you for commenting on one of my posts.

I think you misunderstood what i was trying to get across. I have no problem with people sleeping with whomever they choose, and yes sex is essential for the human race to continue.

The only issue i have is with people who commit to one person and betray them with another.

Its funny that you feel the need to say 'sex is a good thing' and that erotic experiences that we gain through sex with various people, somehow make us better for the people we end up with. It really annoys me when faithful people are made out to be less sexual/ sexually adventurous than those who sleep around regardless of commitments to other people. Just because I am only sexual within a committed relationship does not mean i am any less experienced than somebody as above. I am the most sexual person i know, and having been to the infamous Torture Garden, there isn't alot i haven't seen. I'm very in touch with my sensuality, sexuality and femininity.

If in class you had said you had slept with 100 women, i wouldn't have thought a lot of it. It was only that you had been with another whilst somebody else thought you were being faithful to them that caused the reaction you got.

And by the way, I have no problem with animals sleeping around! but if daddy fox is telling mummy fox, " i love you, its just me and you" and then getting it on with some other fox, then i may have to reconsider :-)"
10 April 2008 15:24

1 comment:


Dear Kimberley,

First of all I would like to say that I very much appreciated and enjoyed your response to my comment. You know I feel so close to what you are saying and yet so far away at the same time. You see I also come from a divorced family and actually it was also my mum, who ended it. In that sense we both, more or less, experienced the same misfortune and heart-broke that a divorce causes to any children that loved their parents and seeing them together. In contrast, there was no infidelity in the sense of an affair. My mum also promised to love and cherish my dad until she die but in some point of her life, she realised that my dad, as kind and generous as he may be, was not the right one for her. Actually, my dad was her first at any sense you could imagined. Coming from a patriotic family, religion and society she wasn’t allowed to any kind of intimacy with the opposite sex. At college she met my dad, got married and had me. My dad on other hand was devastated as he loved my mum very much; but in time he recovered, met a nice woman and got re-married. Now he is happier than ever and has given me a little brother which is now 2 and I find awesome. From my point of view, we are all humans and we all have weaknesses; expecting miracles from people it’s just not realistic. We ought to acknowledge and tolerate our mortality, bad behaviours as well as mistakes. We make mistakes but how we interpreted those mistakes and how we respond to them is what makes us who we are. Nevertheless, who could honestly know what will happen in a year’s time, in two months or two hours from now? I don’t say commitment is bad, either that I disagree with you on the matter. Sexuality is not only gained from experience and I didn’t say that someone who is always committed, like your self is not sexual at all. I didn’t mend sex that much as I mend relationships. In contrast I feel that, we must seek to think outside the box and sometimes get to the other person’s position before we start judging and drawing conclusions. I feel that, even though my mum chose to hurt me and the rest family after 15 years of marriage it was unintended and unavoidable. I can not argue that, if she wasn’t happy with my dad, she didn’t deserved and second chance in life because of her previous commitments.