Saturday 19 April 2008


I think this one is fairly controversial in terms as whether or not it should even be debated as being bad? Over the years tattoos have become more and more mainstream and i think for the most part that instead of viewing them as 'bad' people simply believe its not their cup of tea.

Personally i do not have any tattoos and have no plans to get anything done in the future. I don't have any piercings either as even when all my friends were getting their ears pierced, the idea of putting holes in my body and then decorating them always seemed a bit foreign to me. That's not to say i don't think it can look pretty, its just not something i would ever choose to do.

I think tattoos are something that somebody should think very carefully about, in my opinion they can look very tacky. Coincidentally i was just talking to somebody who told me they were planning to get a tattoo, she said she wanted a dolphin and when i asked her why, she responded, "i just like them.'' To me that sounded a little silly.. i like sweeties, but i would never want them permanently engraved on my body. Unless she was swept out in the ocean and a dolphin rescued her, it just doesn't seem to have enough meaning behind it, but that's just my opinion and hopefully she will be very happy with her tattoo.

Whilst i wouldn't want a tattoo myself, i have always loved the idea of having a husband with my name tattooed under his wedding band- just because i would like someone to love me that much!! :-)

My advice would be that if it means enough to you to tattoo it on your body right now, then it will mean enough in one, two, three years time.

Read about the woman who got paid $15k to tattoo her FACE with a casino company's name as an advertising device...

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