Thursday 8 May 2008


I thought I would write a quick and final post summarising what i have learnt from the Being Bad lectures.

The first thing i learnt was that i was shockingly naive in terms of numbers and percentages. When we were asked to write down anonymous confessions which would later be read out and posted online, I expected only a few. I could not believe how many people admitted to cheating on their partners, in some cases with close friends! and the firework through the letterbox i still cant get over. It really made me sad. I had always thought the majority of people were faithful and the unfaithful were the minority. Unfortunately it is the other way round.

Something else that made me sad was that many people found things they had done that hurt other people funny, and something that made me...frustrated, was the amount of people talking through out the lectures, no matter how many times i turned around and gave them a 'be quiet' look haha.

I picked up a lot of information just from reading blogs, for example i had no idea that Robin Hood apparently robbed from the poor and gave to the poorer, instead of robbing from the rich to give to the poor. I also had no clue that there is research being conducted into whether or not the effects of passive smoking even exist!

Something else i found that i hadn't expected is that even when i have completely different views on almost everything to another individual, we can still find things in common.

The most revealing lecture was the Drugs lecture, and not just because i discovered the truth about talcum powder. I have never even seen a drug, you could literally put a cannabis plant in my garden and i would think it was a herb! Even when everybody else is saying "I can smell weed", i can't smell anything. I picked up a lot about the different kinds of drugs and how they are used within the forces.

Overall, the course has been an eye-opening and thought provoking experience and probably my favourite this term.

Kimberley xX

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