Friday 2 May 2008

Our lecture on drugs

Besides the shock of discovering talcum powder is poisoness, there were a few other things that stood out to me in the lecture..

"Being in a state of total sobriety is unnatural" - At first this statement really confused me, I thought how can being alcohol and drug free be unnatural? and then i thought that maybe Gerry was referring to things like sugar or caffeine that we take in through food and drink. Could sugar and caffeine be classed as drugs? - They do both fall into the category of a 'substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function'.

When researching the effects of sugar i came across a list of an astonishing 146 Reasons Sugar is Ruining our health -

I drink Red Bull from once a fortnight to every day in a week! I do worry about diabetes, but i do not think of the sugar and caffeine laced drink as being a drug.

The other thing that surprised me was that upon hearing the descriptions of the effects of LSD, I actually became a little curious. Having never taken drugs or tried smoking, and being proud of that fact, I was quite annoyed with myself. I like to think of myself as an artistic and creative person, and my favourite toy as a child was my kaleidoscope. The hallucinations we discussed in class sounded like being inside a giant kaleidoscope! I wont be testing it out for myself but it defiantly made me think.

I'm trying to keep my post short as i usually write so much it probably puts people off from reading. So....Why do people take drugs? Is there anything to be said for it?

I can only guess at the reasons people choose to take drugs, maybe;

  1. pressure from peers

  2. wanting to rebel

  3. curiosity

  4. depression, i.e. the wish to escape from reality

  5. medical reasons

Again I cant say from experience if there is anything to be said for taking drugs but i would say that in cases where sufferers of MS choose to smoke cannabis in order to reduce symptoms, if successful then that is positive.

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