Tuesday 18 March 2008

Introduction to Being Bad PH:1000

So our first lecture introduced us to the course to come and included some confessions from the group as we delved into 'bad things we have done'.....


I was about to add that i do not mean to cause offence to anybody if i mention one of the confessions that were from you personally, but i could not care less - you are BAD BAD BAD.

As the guy sitting next to me found out, had you had confessed such sins to me one to one, i would have condemned you to your faces!!

This lesson seriously left me feeling disappointed with the human race, not just simply due to the selfish deeds i was hearing of, but at how funny some people found them. This was only added to when i read the notes on WOLF following the lecture. If i had been crazy enough to throw a firework into somebodies home, i wouldn't be telling anybody about, i would have admitted myself into a mental institution. If you did it for a joke then you have one diseased sense of humour, and if it was out of hatred, you need help, it's extremely unhealthy to hate somebody that much.

The statistic that shocked me the most was that at least 18 people in the group had been unfaithful in one way or another. I will definitely commit a whole other post to this, but I have one word for all the girls who have either slept with their best friends partner, or with their partners best friend - INSECURE. Don't try make yourself feel better by going after something your friend has, and don't try to reassure yourself that yes you are desirable by seducing your mans friend.

Hopefully I havnt come across too judgemental, but my confession paper spoke for itself! Check out my innocence score on ...http://www.teentoday.co.uk/quizzes/angeldevilquiz/results.php or take the test for yourself at... http://www.teentoday.co.uk/quizzes/angeldevilquiz/


Natasha said...

I agree with what you have posted, I also found the antics of our fellow students quite shocking. Perhaps by being honest, they were trying to relieve themselves of the guilt that they were feeling regarding their actions, or then again perhaps they are proud of what they have done!
Either way, I am proud that I have not done anything nearly as bad as what most people have done.


I believe I am the guy sitting next to you at the lecture and I have to say that I was very shocked by you as well. Imagine that ha? As I told you during the lecture and as you saw by your self, the world we live in it is not like you so innocently imagined it to be. The truth is that, if you take for example all living beings in the animal kingdom except for a couple, there isn’t a species that is monogamist. In fact, is because they mess around they have gain immunity to viruses; they involved and can survive and evolved like us through the centuries (this is scientifically proven by the way). Do you imagine what would happen if our few ancestors after the Ice Age will think, “Oh don’t have sex with different people because it’s immoral, cruel and insensitive…”? More likely we wouldn’t be here arguing. In contrast, I feel that sex is a good thing and by going in and out through erotic relationships and other such experiences, we eventually gain that experience, knowledge and awareness we need when the right person comes along; we are ready to identify, distinguish and embraced him/her into our very souls. You see, even I gave the impression that I am a bad person and most likely I am, I am also very romantic and sensitive. I believe that, somewhere out there, there is a better half for all of us but until we find it, unfortunately we will mistreat and be mistreated in some way.