Tuesday 6 May 2008


I've left quite a few comments all over the place, but this is the fifth comment i am logging...

RE; retro chicks (http://retrochik.blogspot.com/) post, 'A body to die for'

"I too had issues with food and have come across some of these sites before. The person who commented that it would be ridiculous to shut down the sites because the individual is responsible for what they view online, is clearly missing a major point. People in the grips of these disorders or those in the mindset where they could fall victim, are not thinking rationally. If they were they wouldnt be willingly starving themselves.In my experience the best aid for recovery is being surrounded by people with a healthy attitude to food. I know for a fact those sites include 'tips' on starving and purging, and that members encourage and 'support' each other in their quests to be skin and bone."

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