Sunday 4 May 2008

Being too religious...

For some reason I don't want to say too much on the topic of religion, perhaps it is because my own religion is something quite private to me. If anybody wanted to ask me about my faith then i would happily answer any questions, but it is not something i go out of my way to talk about.

I was christened at a young age and of course studied 'Religious Studies' through out primary and secondary schools. However it wasn't up until a few years ago that i really found where i stood with regards to religion. Personally, i believe that as long as i don't do to others what i wouldn't want someone to do to me, then i am staying true to my faith. I don't smoke, have never been unfaithful or stolen, and seldom drink, anything else i do, i believe that as long as i have a clear conscience and know my good intentions, i am OK. For example, sex before marriage. Basically, if i am at peace with myself then so will God be.

I think religion should be open to interpretation by the individual, and so to me, being too religious is when somebody tries to force their interpretation on others. I do not mean people who preach in town centres, i believe in freedom of speech, but more the people who condemn others for not following the same lifestyles as themselves.

Watch the episode of 'Am I Normal' on Religion, through BBCi Player..

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