Wednesday 7 May 2008

Sticks & Stones

I think that most of us experience bullying at some point in our life, whether it be in the playground, the workplace, at home or in a relationship. No matter where it takes place or at whose hands, it is always cruel and can greatly effect a persons self- worth and their perception of themselves.

The reason i am in university is so that i can get a degree and eventually a position as a primary school teacher. I'm sure i will witness lots of teasing if if I'm successful in reaching my goal of teaching young children. I hope that i can teach my pupils the right way to treat each other, and the real reasons that people bully others. Although ideally they will already have learnt this through their home life, that isn't always the case. I also hope that anybody being bullied will feel they can easily confide me, ad that i can not only resolve the bullying but also the reasons the bully feels the need to pick on others.

The term Bullycide has been created as a result of the increased number of suicides due to bullying.

When i was younger i was quiet and chubby, so i was often put down by my peers. I think experiencing bullying allows you to relate to others who are or have gone through it, and makes you a more compassionate individual.

I often get nasty looks from women in the street, and people tend to form opinions of me before they have even spoken to me. There is a real perception that models are stuck up and arrogant, and any women who emits an air of confidence is regularly condemned as being full of herself.

I feel that living by myself since i was fourteen when my parents divorced, really helped me discover who i really am. As a result of this i know my good points and i know my bad points very very well. Being comfortable with yourself means you are less likely to be affected by peoples negative attitude or behaviour towards you. I know that if somebody took the time to talk to me, they would realise that i am a nice person and i don't think overly high of myself.

To be honest it does not bother me when women glance daggers in my direction, as i know that it is them with the problem. If i am totally honest...i sometimes enjoy it.

Anybody who behaves derogatory to you sees something in you that they lack themselves, or is transferring their own insecurities onto you. For these reasons i would say that there is nothing to be said for the behaviour as it not only makes somebody else feel victimised, but it doesn't relieve the issues the bully has with themselves.

Be nice to people, a smile doesn't cost anything!

1 comment:

Retro chik said...

I agree with your comments. I sometimes get nasty looks off women as well, followed by bitchy mutterings. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to poor self image and low self esteem, which isn't surprising considering that there is a huge emphasis on looks rather than talent and intellect - it seems the only way a woman can seen as worthy in men's eyes is if they're attractive. Men can be very nasty and unfriendly towards unattractive women - in most cases, their partners spend too much time ogling other women, which only feeds their sense of inferiority. So in most cases, bullies are victimes themselves. But as you said, it doesn't make it right - its better to sort your problems out rather than letting them control you :)